Anxiety Therapy
Ever Feel Like Your Brain's Stuck In A Never-Ending Loop Of 'What Ifs' And 'Oh No's'?
Does it often seem like you're walking on a tightrope, with your mind constantly teetering between panic and calm with the panic side winning most days?
Have you ever wished your mind came with an off switch, just to give you a break from all the worry and stress?
Are you excessively bothered about things that haven't happened yet or might never happen?
Do you find yourself avoiding certain situations or places because they make you feel anxious or uncomfortable?
When anxiety shows up, it’s like suddenly being caught in a storm at sea, tossed around by turbulent waves of fear and uncertainty. It’s all you can do to keep standing. Your body suddenly becomes the epicenter of your discomfort.
Your heart is racing. Your stomach is in knots. And you can’t stop playing out worst case scenarios. And you can’t stop shaking.
Getting through the day—work, school, meeting new people—it’s all you can do to survive. It’s no way to live but you don’t know any other way.
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More People Than Ever Before Are Feeling Overwhelmed & Anxious
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health struggles in the U.S. and affects over 40 million adults, or 19.1% of the population. There are many factors which have led to the surging rates of anxiety including the aftermath of the not-so-distant pandemic, global and local events, and economic uncertainty.
Even though anxiety feels extremely uncomfortable, it’s a natural reaction to stress and challenges in life. Many people experience occasional anxiety symptoms such as worry or nervousness, especially in response to significant life events or changes. When starting a new job, delivering a presentation for work or school, beginning a new relationship, or dealing with a minor medical issue, for example, it’s perfectly normal to experience some anxiety about these kinds of things.
It's when anxiety becomes an all-consuming obstacle in your life and being in danger-mode becomes the only way you know how to be that it’s time to pay attention.
Anxiety Has Many Forms, Shapes, & Sizes
When anxiety is present, it invades all areas of your life. Some people find themselves struggling with social anxiety where social interactions of any kind can cause irrational fear. If you can relate, you may notice yourself constantly replaying interactions of any kind after they happen, often cancelling or avoiding social situations or events, and feeling excessively concerned about offending someone or saying the wrong thing and being rejected for it.
Or you may have the type of anxiety where your brain gets stuck on a loop of irrational thoughts or have time-consuming routines, rituals, or behaviors that offset your anxious feelings.
For others, anxiety isn’t about any one thing. It’s about everything.
There is no one cause for why anxiety conditions develop. Some reasons for anxiety may include work stress, chronic health issues, family or relationship problems, loss or impending loss of a loved one, a traumatic incident, or childhood trauma.
Many individuals identify with feeling anxious as far back as they can remember. They can’t remember a time where they weren’t anxious. Whereas others may be able to point to a specific situation that triggered the onset of anxiety.
Whatever the cause, life with anxiety feels exhausting and draining. You don’t want to live like this anymore and are ready to get to the bottom of things and learn new ways to cope and manage.
Anxiety Therapy Can Help You Feel Calm And In Control
Anxiety is often very treatable, yet more than 60% of people do not seek treatment for it. There are many common reasons why many people don’t immediately seek out help including: believing they should tough it out and handle it on their own, judging themselves or fear of being judged by others for needing help, and having serious doubts that therapy will work.
It's okay to have doubts about therapy and I truly understand that reaching out for help can feel daunting, but know that you’re not alone. Over the past 14 years, I’ve helped many people get to the bottom of their anxiety and regain a sense of peace and freedom in their lives. With the help of anxiety therapist, you can learn how to get unstuck and move towards the life you want.
Each person who comes to therapy has a unique anxiety story which will influence how anxiety therapy will be delivered. All clients can expect a customized approach to address your particular symptoms and a tailor-made plan will be created to support you in finding relief and a path to moving forward.
Anxiety therapy offers help in a number of ways including helping you learn healthy coping skills to make your life less stressful, more relaxed, happier, and at ease. Where there’s anxiety, the body and mind can be a very uncomfortable place. As a body-based therapist, I will teach you how to tune in and employ effective strategies for having a quiet mind and a calm body. During anxiety therapy you will also learn what’s driving your anxiety and together we will address the root cause of the problem so that your symptoms can stop negatively affecting your relationships, career, school, and the choices you want to make.
If trauma is driving your anxiety, I offer a number of ways to process and release distressing events from your past.
What To Expect From Anxiety Therapy
You May Still Have Questions About How Anxiety Therapy Really Helps
The first thing to consider is to what degree your anxiety is affecting the quality of your life? If you find yourself feeling constantly overwhelmed by worry, stress, or fear to the point it’s impacting your daily life activities, it may be time to consider therapy. If you’re struggling to cope with everyday challenges or finding yourself turning to substance use or avoidance behaviors, therapy can help. If you’re feeling stuck in a cycle of worry and can’t seem to break free on your own, anxiety therapy will provide the guidance and support you need to move forward and learn how to manage anxiety in a healthier way.
Although anxiety medication can be helpful to reduce symptoms, medication does not get to the root of the problem. This means the anxiety never truly goes away and individuals often become dependent on the medication to get through the day. Also, many people find that they still feel anxious even on medication.
For those interested in something more than “getting through,” therapy offers you a deeper understanding of what the anxiety stems from as well as strategies and tools to reduce and even prevent overwhelming anxiety altogether.
Getting anxious about getting anxious is perfectly understandable and quite common. It’s one of the more frustrating things for people who struggle with anxiety. It can seem like there’s never ever true rest from anxiety.
The first thing to know is that it’s very rare for someone to have an anxiety attack during session because the approach I use to work with anxious individuals supports you to learn to not only track anxious symptoms but also learn skills to reduce them in real time before they become overwhelming.
If you do happen to have an anxiety attack during session, there are some unexpected benefits that can occur. You will have the opportunity to identify specific triggers or underlying issues contributing to your anxiety which can bring valuable insights. Also, when you practice and refine coping skills in a supportive environment, it teaches your brain and body that it is possible to have control over turning the dial down on what you’re feeling.
Transform Fear Into Freedom And Live Life On Your Own Terms
Countless individuals silently endure the burden of anxiety but you don’t have to carry it alone anymore. If you’re ready to overcome your worries and reclaim your peace, please reach out at 210.802.2697 to schedule a 20-minute free consultation.