A Place To Help You Move Forward From Your Past And Cultivate A Calm Mind And A Safe Body

You’re tired of pretending everything is okay.
For as long as you can remember, you have been the strong one, the successful one, and the seemingly together one.
When bad things happen that might knock other people down, you’ve prided yourself on brushing yourself off, sucking it up, and soldiering on.
People in your life tend to look to you for guidance and support.
When someone needs advice, it’s you they turn to. When someone needs help with something, it’s you they ask. You never turn anyone away. You are everyone’s rock.
You’ve always prided yourself on your independence, your self-sufficiency, and your strength but lately you’ve been realizing you’re really not okay. You’ve just done a very good job for a long time now of convincing everyone else including yourself that you are.
The truth is you really struggle.
You feel stressed a lot and your mind won’t shut off. You worry about things you shouldn’t worry about but you can’t stop yourself from doing so. There are things in your past you don’t like to think about but you know they’re still affecting you. On the surface, you seem to have it all but none of it really makes you happy. You think you might be anxious or depressed but those aren’t words you’ve ever used to describe yourself. Other people, yes. But not you.
You assumed you’d be able to figure it out. You’re a smart person.
You’ve tried reading books, listening to podcasts, even meditating but none of it’s working. The people closest to you can sense something is wrong, and have been encouraging you to get help. Your pride (or let’s face it fear) has stopped you before but now you’re ready to do something about it. You know you can’t keep living this way. You can’t keep avoiding your problems and running away from the truth.
Therapy may be the answer
Therapy can help you sort yourself out when you’re feeling lost, keep hitting dead ends, and when you’re on a hamster wheel of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. It can help you understand yourself better, turn lightbulbs on, disrupt patterns, and find peace where none seemed possible.

Contact Me Today To Schedule Your Free 20-Minute Phone Consultation

About Me
Hi, I’m Lalo. I’m a therapist and guide which means I’m an avid listener with a passion for deep discussions and getting to the heart of things.
I’m absolutely useless at directions around town but when it comes to life direction, I’m the one you want in your corner to help you find your way out of stuck places. Think of me as your personal mapmaker. I’ll customize a map just for you to lead you to whatever life treasures you’re hoping to reach. Happiness, ease, freedom, self-worth—X marks the spot you choose.
I help teens and adults get out of their heads and into their bodies. I strongly believe in the power of the mind-body connection and that your body is a portal for profound transformation and healing from all that ails you. We all deserve to have our minds and bodies feel like a safe harbor and a place of ease and, if it is not, it is one of my greatest passions to help get you there.
Join My Friendship Community
What if you could take the confusion out of making and keeping good friends and have more satisfying friendships as an adult?

Want to get better faster?
If you are eager to get faster results in therapy, I offer day-long intensives which are designed to accelerate the healing process. Intensives are a great fit for you if you have critical incidents or disturbing events from your past that you want to process quickly and move forward from.